Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is instrumental in successfully leading the foundation in its efforts to provide Dog Guides at no cost to Canadians with disabilities.

Each Board Director acts in a position of trust for the organization and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization fulfilling their duty of care, duty of loyalty, and duty of obedience.
- Duty of care means directors must give the same care and concern to their board responsibilities as any prudent and ordinary person would.
- Duty of loyalty means directors must place the interests of LFCDG ahead of their own interests at all times.
- Duty of obedience means directors must make sure LFCDG is abiding by all applicable laws and regulations and doesn’t engage in illegal or unauthorized activities
Board Directors serve in partnership with the CEO to provide insight, oversight and foresight of LFCDG. Each member sits on the board for a three-year term, with the exception of the Chair.

Executive Officers
Garry Beaudry
Board Chair
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Garry Beaudry has been a Lion for 24 years and has held executive positions for nearly half of that time. Within a year of becoming a Lion, he was introduced to LFC Dog Guides and has been an active advocate ever since.
As a parent of a child with disabilities, he understands the challenges that face many of the people that Dog Guides give assistance to and has been an advocate for them for close to 30 years.
In both his professional and Lions career, Garry has held numerous positions of Leadership.
When not advocating for LFCDG or serving his community taking part in Lions projects, you can find Garry at his favorite lake spending time with family and friends, boating and fishing. You can connect with him at boardchair@dogguides.com
Angela Sharbot, PDG
Board Past Chair
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Angela Sharbot joined the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides Board as Director for Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, Nunavut in 2019. She served as Chair of the Board from 2022-2024 and is a member of the Executive, Governance and Nominations, Finance and New Building Committees. She also attends both the National and Ontario “The Difference” capital campaign fundraising committees for the building of our new school.
As an active member of the Lions Club of Atikokan since 2004, she has served as President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Walk for Dog Guides organizer and more. She is a Past District Governor (2012-2013), Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow and recipient of several Lions International medals, awards and certificates. Angela is a Faculty Development Institute graduate, has served as faculty for District Governor Elect training, Regional Lions Leadership Institutes, Emerging Lions Leadership Institute and has a master’s degree from Lions University. She serves on the District 5M-10 Cabinet.
Angela has a diploma in Municipal Administration. Retired from paid work, she was the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk for the Town of Atikokan and for Quetico Centre the Chief Operating Officer among other positions. She is active in her church and serves in several leadership capacities. Angela is married to Perry for over 45 years. They have one son and two grandchildren.
Angela enjoys gardening, reading, bike riding and making quilts to giving to others in need along with other philanthropic activities.
“Dog Guides change lives. Testimonies from recipients, their family, friends and community has touched my heart many times. This makes me feel very honoured and humbled to be able to serve on the Board of Directors to assist in keeping our Foundation viable, strong and proud well into the future.”
Nancy Chiasson
Treasurer / Director, Ontario
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Nancy Chiasson is a seasoned finance professional with over 25 years’ experience in the industry. As a CPA, Nancy has been working as Controller at Elmira Pet Products for over 15 years, leading the finance department through many years of growth and change.
Nancy’s started her LFC Dog Guide journey as a volunteer foster family and developed a deeper commitment and passion for the cause with each subsequent puppy. As a Charter Member of the Mosborough Busy Busy Lions Club, which is focused on supporting Dog Guides she devotes her time to raising both awareness and funds to support Dog Guides.
Outside of the boardroom Nancy fills her free time with paper crafts and crochet. She also spends her time working with her current foster puppy to prepare him for the next stages in his journey and savouring all the joy of puppy adventures, playdates and foster puppy friends.
Nancy is passionate about sharing Dog Guides mission and inspiring others to volunteer or support this important cause.
Willie Brown, PDG
Secretary / Director, Manitoba, NW
Ontario & Nunavut
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Lion William (Willie) Brown serves as the Board Secretary of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. His other board duties include leading the Governance team with a focus on policies and procedures, and as a member of the Executive Committee.
A resolute member of Lions International for 37 years, he has held various executive and committee chair roles, including that of District Governor in 2012-13. He is Vice President of the Russell and Area Lions.
Willie is consistently an advocate for the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, from chairing the fundraising committee for the annual walk to promoting the organization at both provincial and federal levels, sharing his passion and knowledge with his vast network, be they Lions or associates.
In addition, Willie is chairperson for his community’s foundation, which supports local nonprofit organizations through philanthropy and grants, as well as overseeing a bursary program for local school graduates.
A lifelong dog enthusiast, Willie began his journey in animal welfare by volunteering at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) in his hometown of Dundee, Scotland, at the age of 14. His involvement with Dog Guides was sparked years ago when a fellow Lion became a client with a vision dog.
He has seen first-hand how much of a difference the Lions Foundation of Canada Service dogs make in the lives of clients and is determined to see our foundation continue to be the best it can be.
Residing in Russell, Manitoba, Canada, he is a father of two and a grandfather of five, a certified electrician and currently a certified building code official CBCO Canada. When time allows, he can be found checking out various golf courses or working on his acreage.
If you wish to learn more about the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides reach out to him.
Paul Cousins
Director, Prince Edward Island
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Past Council Chair Lion Paul Cousins has been a member of the Kensington Lions Club for 44 years. Paul has been chairperson of many committees, and has held offices at the Club, District and Multiple District level. Paul has been involved in the Kensington Lions Club Lions Foundation of Canada Walk for Dog Guides for the past 10 years.
Paul was elected to the Lions Foundation of Canada DOG GUIDES as the Prince Edward Island Director in 2022 and will be completing his 3-year term in October of 2025.
Paul retired in 2004 after serving 25 years as a Municipal Police Officer. Paul does part-time security work for the Canada Revenue Agency.
Paul has been married to Lion Theresa for 39 years and they have two children and two grandchildren.
Bill Bruhm, PDG
Director, Nova Scotia
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Bill Bruhm is a semi-retired school administrator and teacher with over forty-two years’ service in the province of Nova Scotia. Having worked in public schools with large numbers of students with very specific learning needs, he is very aware of the support provided by our Dog Guides and the difference that support makes on the lives of students and their families. Advocating for the needs of children has been a focal point of Bill’s working life.
Bill has served on several local and provincial boards including the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and various Lions Clubs committees including serving as District Governor for Nova Scotia. He has worked with many groups to define their goals for their organizations and develop action plans to reach their goals. He also holds the designation of Lions Certified Instructor, which is the highest training level achievable in Lions Clubs International.
Bill met his first Dog Guide ten years ago while traveling on a transit bus in Toronto. While chatting with the dog’s client, he learned about the impact that having a dog guide made on the client’s life, including being able to have a well-paying job, contact with his family and the ability to move back into his community. He asked Bill to tell his story to as many Lions as he could and to thank everyone for giving him back his life. Serving as a Director for the Board gives Bill this opportunity to do just that.
When Bill isn’t volunteering with community and provincial groups, he enjoys working in his yard and growing orchids. He has three grandsons under the age of four who like spending time with Grampy.
Being selected to serve as a Director for the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides is a great honour. He would be happy to meet with any Nova Scotians who want to learn more about the Foundation and takes every opportunity to encourage Lions to support the great work we do.
Guy Ouellet
Director, Quebec
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Guy Ouellet est investisseur immobilier depuis plus de 40 ans dans le domaine de logements locatifs. La gestion des actifs immobiliers l’amène à mettre en pratique la gestion financière, alors que l’interaction avec la clientèle consolide ses habilités interpersonnelles qu’il a acquis en supervisant des équipes de travail.
Étant membre Lion du club de sa communauté, Guy a développé un sens de l’entraide et le goût de s’investir dans des causes variées qui font en sorte de rendre les gens plus autonomes. Son implication au sein de la FLCCG est justement en lien avec l’aide aux personnes dans le but qu’ils deviennent plus autonomes.
Guy a œuvré au sein de l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments durant plus de 35 ans. Il a débuté sa carrière comme inspecteur pour ensuite gravir les échelons en obtenant des postes de superviseur, gestionnaire et de directeur régional. Ses années d’expérience à gérer du personnel fait de lui un atout pour les organismes dans lesquels il s’engage à titre de bénévole. Il a aussi mené à bien plusieurs campagnes de levée de fonds pour Centraide en milieu de travail.
Depuis son tout jeune âge, Guy a toujours aidé les autres de plusieurs façons. Sa capacité d’écoute est entre autres une de ses forces qu’il utilise pour aider les gens. Il aime également organiser des choses. Ce fut donc tout naturel pour lui de devenir Lion lorsqu’un ancien de ses professeurs lui a demandé de joindre le club Lions de Saint-Apollinaire et d’organiser un hommage aux entrepreneurs de la communauté. Il a par la suite occupé plusieurs postes dans le club, au district et au district multiple. Guy est aussi très impliqué dans l’organisation de l’Opération Nez rouge au niveau régional. L’Opération Nez rouge est un service de raccompagnement durant la période des fêtes, qui fait en sorte de réduire les risques d’accidents de la route en reconduisant les conducteurs qui ont un taux d’alcoolémie au-dessus de la norme règlementaire.
Guy est très attaché à sa communauté, il s’y investit pour faire en sorte que les gens s’y sentent bien en organisant des événements ou en aidant les personnes dans le besoin. Sans mettre de côté son attachement à la communauté locale, il a également beaucoup œuvré dans des positions qui l’amenaient à réaliser des projets d’envergure régionale, provinciale ou nationale. Son implication auprès de la FLCCG est un exemple d’implication national.
Guy est toujours ouvert à discuter d’initiatives qui pourraient faire en sorte de rendre service aux personnes qui vivent des difficultés. Je vous invite à me contacter pour en discuter et je pourrai voir ce qui pourrait être fait pour aider.
Guy Ouellet is a member of the board of directors of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides (LFCDG).
Guy has been a real estate investor for over 40 years in the rental housing sector. Managing real estate assets leads him to put financial management into practice, while interacting with customers strengthens his interpersonal skills that he acquired by supervising work teams.
As a Lion member of his community club, Guy has developed a sense of mutual aid and a taste for getting involved in various causes that make people more independent. His involvement in the LFCDG is precisely related to helping people become more independent.
Guy worked for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for over 35 years. He began his career as an inspector and then climbed the ranks, obtaining positions as supervisor, manager and regional director. His years of experience managing staff make him an asset to the organizations he volunteers with. He has also successfully led several fundraising campaigns for Centraide in the workplace.
Since he was very young, Guy has always helped others in many ways. His listening skills are one of his strengths that he uses to help people. He also enjoys organizing things. It was therefore natural for him to become a Lion when a former teacher asked him to join the Saint-Apollinaire Lions Club and organize a tribute to the community’s entrepreneurs. He has subsequently held several positions in the club, the district and the multiple district. Guy is also very involved in organizing Operation Red Nose at the regional level. Operation Red Nose is a ride-home service during the holiday season that reduces the risk of road accidents by giving rides to drivers whose blood alcohol level is above the regulatory limit.
Guy is very attached to his community, he invests himself in it to make sure that people feel good there by organizing events or helping people in need. Without putting aside his attachment to the local community, he has also worked a lot in positions that led him to carry out projects of regional, provincial or national scope. His involvement with the LFCDG is an example of national involvement.
Guy is always open to discussing initiatives that could help people who are experiencing difficulties. I invite you to contact me to discuss it and I can see what could be done to help.
Susan Sangster
Director, New Brunswick
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Susan Sangster is a seasoned accountant with over 30 years of experience in Corporate Management of Financial, Business and Human Resources in the Environmental Service and Auto Parts Distribution Industries.
As a passionate advocate for service to those in need, Susan brings a unique blend of expertise in managing resources, and enthusiasm for growth to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.
With a background in Business and Financial Management, Susan has held leadership roles at Atlantic Purification Systems as CFO for 7 years. After returning to New Brunswick she fulfilled a further leadership role for 26 years in the Auto Parts Service Industry as CFO of Auto Machinery and General Supply Company Ltd. Her business acumen assisted with corporate extension helping to build the corporation from a single location in Fredericton to 8 locations in the Atlantic provinces. Susan’s vision and organizational talents contributed to the successful business growth.
Her vision and commitment to service in the areas of managing financial and corporate resources have the potential to be an invaluable asset to any team.
Susan joined Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides because she believes that the special service that dog guides provide must be given every opportunity to continue to grow and expand their unique ability for service at no cost to the recipient while maintaining their Canada wide identity with a personal connection to Lions service. From childhood experiences to professional milestones, Susan’s dedication to Lions Clubs International service and by extension the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides is deeply rooted in her personal service journey.
Outside of the boardroom, Susan has been an active member of the volunteer community for most of her life, beginning in her early teens with church youth groups and school student`s councils.
In addition to her Lions activities, she has volunteered as a certified Level II Minor League Baseball coach, Minor League Baseball Association administration, with the National Girl Guides of Canada Public Relations and several professional associations. She has also volunteered with the Opal Group – providing and assisting with craft night with mentally and physically youth and young adults. She is an avid reader and loves Sudoku.
Susan is an experienced presenter and is always eager to connect and share more about the work of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.
Dave Pasin
Director, BC & Yukon
Marianne Kramchynsky KC, PCC
Director, Saskatchewan
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Marianne serves on the Board of Lions of Canada Dog Guides because she believes in the value of its mission. She feels that her skills and experience can serve the organization in a positive way.
Marianne Kramchynsky joined the Rosthern Lions Club in 1998 and has been a volunteer leader at local, district and multiple district levels of Lions Clubs International. She served as District Governor in 2021-22 and Multiple District 5 Council Chair in 2022-23. She was selected to serve as the Saskatchewan Director for LFC Dog Guides at the Saskatchewan Lions Convention in 2023 with her term on the Board to run from 2024 to 2027.
Director Kramchynsky has a diploma in Local Government Administration from the University of Regina and a law degree from the University Saskatchewan. After serving as the Town Administrator in Rosthern, Saskatchewan for almost five years, she opened her law office in 1988 and practiced as a real estate and probate lawyer until her retirement at the end of 2022. She was awarded the distinction of Queen’s Counsel (now King’s Counsel) in 2017 in recognition of legal ability, service to the profession and service to the community.
Director Marianne and her husband Bernie remain very active in their local Lions Club as club officers and volunteers. They enjoy travelling to sunny destinations in the winter, trips to Lions conventions and other events, and visiting with their two daughters and two grandsons in Ottawa.
Shane Budgell
Director, Newfoundland & Labrador
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Shane is a seasoned business owner with over 25 years of experience in customer service in the communications industry. As a passionate advocate for helping others, Shane brings a unique blend of expertise and enthusiasm to LFCDG.
With a background in Communications, Shane has held leadership roles at Rogers, where their goal is to provide great customer experiences. Their strategic vision and commitment to providing the ultimate experience to clients have been invaluable assets to our team.
Shane has held several roles with Lions Clubs International such as District Governor, Membership, Club Development. He has received several presidential medals for his outstanding volunteering.
Shane joined LFCDG because they believe that there is a major need in the community for the assistance dogs. From childhood experiences to professional milestones, his dedication to LFCDG’s mission is deeply rooted in his journey.
Shane has shown an exceptional commitment to giving back to the community through his volunteer work. Whether it’s dedicating his time to local charities, organizing events, or offering support to those in need. Shane’s dedication reflects a deep desire to make a positive impact. His selflessness and enthusiasm for helping others inspire those around him and serve as a reminder of the importance of community involvement.
Outside of the boardroom, Shane enjoys camping and spending time in nature with his wife and their dog Dottie. They are also deeply connected to making a difference in the community.
Shane is always eager to connect and share more about the work of LFCDG.
Daryl Reinke
Director, Alberta & Northwest Territories
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Daryl Reinke became a Charter Lion in 1980 and has served for 44 years. He’s held all club positions and several District positions over the years. His life motto can be summed up by the words of a 1965 song by Ned Miller: “Do what you do do well boy, Do what you do do well. Give of your love and all of your heart and do what you do do well.” In his professional careers as a teacher/counselor and later as a law enforcement officer, Daryl has experienced the importance of, and the rewards in, giving from his heart in all that he does.
Daryl’s interest in promoting Dog Guides stemmed from a court room experience some years ago when he witnessed a young person giving testimony being comforted by a Facility Dog. He is excited to serve on the LFCDG Board promoting the important role dogs can play in the lives of so many Canadians.
In his spare time, Daryl enjoys woodworking, camping/fishing, and spending time with his children and grandchildren.
Congratulations to our newest Board Members, and a heartfelt thank you to all of our current and past LFCDG Board Members.