Partnerships Make Us Stronger
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides shares a very successful national partnership with the Pet Valu family of stores across Canada. Since 2014, they have been supporting Dog Guides every step of the way.

Support from puppy to match
Pet Valu is our partner on so many levels. As our national feeding partner, Pet Valu provides their premium line of Performatrin dog food for all of our puppies, breeding dogs and Dog Guides in training. They’ve sponsored over 200 Dog Guides teams across Canada – and counting, and have been the title sponsor for our annual Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides since 2017 raising awareness and critical funding. Many of the Pet Valu family of stores across Canada get involved with the walk by hosting, supporting their local walk or registering a team. Thank you Pet Valu for your ongoing support!
The Pet Valu family of stores

Thank You Other LFCDG Supporters