Ways To Donate


If you have public company shares that have increased in value, there are several tax advantages to transferring the actual appreciated shares as a donation, now or in the future. Securities can include stocks, mutual funds, segregated funds, bonds, flow-through shares, and employee stock options. Consult your financial advisor to decide which investments make the most financial and philanthropic impact. Ask your broker to transfer your securities to Lions Foundation of Canada by completing the Gift of Publicly Traded Securities form and emailing it to the address provided on the top of the form. Gift of Securities Form

Fellowship: Judge Brian Stevenson Diamond

The Judge Brian Stevenson Diamond Fellowship is endorsed by PIP Judge Brian Stevenson. Recipients receive a certificate, a medallion and a letter from Judge Brian Stevenson. This recognition is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed in Lionism in Canada and is a way to further honour someone who has already received another Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship. The recipient receives a silver Judge Brian Stevenson medallion with a synthetic diamond as well as a lapel pin and a personalized certificate. The Judge Brian Stevenson Diamond Fellowship is for purchase for $1,000 by a Club, District, Multiple District, or an individual who wishes to honour someone. No personal purchases.

Fellowship: Lion Art Woods Golden Tree

This fellowship recognizes the commitment, dedication and 50 years of service of PID Art Woods. With Lion Art’s passion for the environment and LFCDG’s Memorial Forest, funds from this fellowship will be directed to a dedicated garden space at the new training school. Recipients receive a unique personalized plaque.

Fellowship: Progressive Judge Brian Stevenson

This fellowship is a way to further honour someone who has received a Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship. It is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed within Lionism in Canada. The recipient receives a gold bar pin to be worn on the white ribbon of the Judge Brian Stevenson medallion as well as a lapel pin with ruby and a personalized certificate.

Fellowship: Judge Brian Stevenson

To recognize outstanding Lions and other deserving recipients, PIP Judge Brian Stevenson has endorsed this fellowship. The recipient will receive a Judge Brian Stevenson medallion, lapel pin and signed certificate.

Progressive Life Membership

A way to further honour someone who is already a Life Member. The recipient will receive a lapel pin with a distinctive red stone and a certificate, along with a certificate signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides and a Progressive Life Membership lapel pin.

Life Membership

Available to Lions, Lioness, Leos and families, the Life Membership is a way to honour a fellow Lions member, a past President or a family member. Life Membership certificates are signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. The recipient also receives a Life Membership lapel pin. Life Membership banner patches are available to clubs when 100% of its members are Life Members.

Fellowship: Lions Foundation

An excellent way to give recognition to an “all round good lion or lioness”; someone who consistently provides excellent service to Lions or Lions Foundation of Canada and is outstanding in service to their community or to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. The recipient of this Fellowship receives a personalized rosewood plaque and a Fellowship lapel pin.

Sponsor a Dog Guide Team

There are many opportunities to provide support to the Dog Guide program as a partner or sponsor. Sponsoring a Dog Guide will cover a portion of the $35,000 that it costs to raise and train a puppy and ultimately match with its handler. Your support will help the Dog Guide team be partners for as long as 10 years, with a life-time of follow-up. Your sponsorship can be directed to the program of your choice.

Sponsor an Event

Fundraisers are an important way for us to raise money for Dog Guides programs and services. As a sponsor, you would be offsetting costs associated with running an event, whether it’s by donating with products or cash. You can run your own event and donate the proceeds to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.

Wish List

The Wish List is a unique way to make a contribution to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. You can contribute an item or make a donation towards the purchase of an item.

Donate a Car

Both Charity Car and Donate a Car Canada accept vehicle donations for Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. You will receive a tax receipt for your donation. Charity Car or Donate a Car Canada: www.donatecar.ca


Leaving even a small portion of your estate to charity can result in a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible, while still supporting those you love. By leaving a bequest in your will, you can ensure the causes you care about are supported beyond your lifetime. Benefits also include some potentially significant tax savings. Take a look at the free resources and tools - including the bequest tax calculator - on the Will Power website to learn about ways to give, connect with financial advisors and discuss what is best for you.

Life Insurance

In this situation, Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides would be a beneficiary on a life insurance policy. A gift of life insurance allows you to make a large gift in the future by making smaller tax-receiptible premium payments now.


If you own an RRSP or Tax-Free Savings Account, you can choose to designate Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides as the beneficiary.

Charitable Trusts

A charitable trust allows you to retain the income of current investments while making a gift to Lions Foundation of Canada in the future.

Donor Advised Funds

A fund held at a Community Foundation or bank has become quite popular. You can have your own "foundation" without the administrative burden of a private foundation.

Charitable Gift Annuities

A gift annuity guarantees payments to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides for your lifetime, some of which can be tax-free. The portion of the sum you contribute is a gift that will immediately support Dog Guide programs.

In Memoriam

A loved one can be honoured with a donation to Lions Foundation of Canada. Donors can specify the program(s) they wish to support. An acknowledgement will be sent to a designated family member on the donor’s behalf. In memoriam cards are available upon request from Lions Foundation or online.

Endowment Fund

An endowment fund is an excellent way to make your gift last well into the future. For gifts of $10,000 or more, an endowment can be established in your name. The interest generated annually from the investment is used to support Dog Guide programs.


Choose to donate to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides in recognition of a celebration, such as a birthday, wedding or anniversary. You can send an ecard for any occasion or we'll send a letter acknowledging your thoughtful gift.

Pet Memorial Wall

The Pet Memorial Wall is a lasting tribute that commemorates the life of your pet . The Pet Memorial Wall is located in Breslau, ON, on the grounds of the Dog Guides training center, where many of our puppies begin their lives. Plaques are inscribed with the family and pet's name. Recognition takes place at an annual dedication ceremony on the second Saturday of June. Email: info@dogguides.com Cost: $150 Pet Memorial Wall Order Form

Memorial Forest

Commemorate the life of a loved one by planting a tree. This living memorial will grow and flourish over the years. Our Memorial Forest is located at our facility in Breslau, ON. The name of the deceased will be inscribed on a plaque and placed at the base of a tree at the annual dedication service on the second Saturday of June. A certificate will be sent to a designated family member or friend on the donor’s behalf. Email: info@dogguides.com Cost: $350 Memorial Forest Order Form

Your Donations at Work!

Caroline & Gracie

Caroline & Gracie

Caroline, with Hearing Dog Guide Gracie, knows how life-changing a Dog Guide can be. 

“At home when I take my cochlear implants off, I used to feel vulnerable living on my own, but with Gracie, I feel safe at home. I sleep soundly each night knowing that if the fire alarm ever went off, she would wake me up and save my life.

Every morning, she wakes me up — and gives me a nice morning cuddle too!

I no longer worry when I’m out walking by myself. Gracie makes me feel safe and gives me independence.

She’s my best friend, companion, and security guard all wrapped up in one.”

Tammy & Kiwi

Tammy & Kiwi

On July 17, 1983, Tammy dove into a pool and broker her neck. In 2011, after 28 years of pushing herself around in her wheelchair, her shoulders and back were giving her trouble. If she dropped something she had trouble bending down and then getting back up. Opening a door was difficult and painful. A friend told her about Dog Guides. That’s when Kiwi came into her life. Tammy immediately felt that their partnership was meant to be… Kiwi’s birthday is July 17th… the date of her accident.

I can’t imagine my life without Kiwi. She helps me pick things up or get things I can’t reach. She’s a great companion. Everyday with my disability is a new challenge. But with Kiwi, she takes that challenge away. She makes me feel safer. When I’m sick, she alerts my neighbours. When my chair got stuck on ice, she saved me from freezing to death by alerting a passerby. She has brought back my independence that I was losing. I’d be lost without her.